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Shadowed Force

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Review #5


Big, Big Wave (Comp, 2022)

When it comes to getting the feel of various underground music scenes, there's nothing like a good, old-fashioned regional album compilation. Regional album compilations can document a local scene over time or, as is the case with Big, Big Wave from Feral Kid Records, give you a wonderful snapshot of a scene in the moment.

Hattiesburg, Mississippi is a collage town with only around 50,000 people but a thriving local music scene. If you're into indie rock or post-punk, you've probably heard of Judy and the Jerks - and that's just one of the 11 bands from Hattiesburg that appear over the course of 17 tracks on this compilation. Recorded over the course of one day back in 2019, Big, Big Wave is authentically lo-fi, breathlessly intense, and satisfyingly varied.

Not every song hits my particular tastes head-on, of course, but with bands from all over the punk and post-punk spectrum it's hard not to find something to like in every track. Some personal favorites include Pleather (up-beat, garage-y post-punk with great pop sensibility), Control Room (synth rock that sounds like if a New Wave act was raised on Nirvana and Nine Inch Nails), and Year of the Vulture (thrash metal with a crust punk tinge).